4 key things to consider when buying an ATS

An Applicant Tracking System, also known as an ATS, can be the tool which transforms your recruitment processes…when chosen and implemented correctly.

Too many HR departments rush into choosing an ATS without properly considering what they are buying and how it will actually work with their processes. Our 4 simple tips will help you avoid those ATS pitfalls.

  1. What do you need to achieve?

By answering this simple question, you are highlighting what your expectations are and allows you to analyse if this is realistic. Remember, an ATS cannot be expected to do everything. So start thinking about where you are currently and where you need to get to.

Include your internal and external stakeholders to ensure all requirements are covered and expectations are aligned- especially of those who will be using the system.

Providing this thorough brief to ATS suppliers will help them decide if they can meet your needs and will avoid a proposition which includes services you don’t need.

  1. Research ATS suppliers

Don’t just settle for the first supplier you come across. There are hundreds of suppliers both in the UK and US which offer different products at a range of prices. Sending your brief to a few will help you decide which one fits your needs and provides the best service for your budget.

  1. Forgotten questions to ask ATS suppliers

As well as asking the obvious questions around the product- many forget some simple questions which are crucial to the users, both internal and external, experience.

  • What do the career pages look like?
  • Can you provide a demo based on our process?
  • What is the quality of content/job adverts?
  • When can we test live information before launch?
  • When can the system be integrated and ready for use?
  • Does it post to 3rd party job boards?
  • Can it post to social media platforms and print publications?
  1. Supplier services

Suppliers provide different levels of service and so it’s important to understand what you get vs. what you need.

  • Do they provide training on their product?
  • Are there named contacts or dedicated account handlers who will provide you with personalised support if any problems or questions arise before, during or after implementation?
  • Can they offer additional recruitment support services if required?
  • Will they make the time to understand how your organisation works and suggest ways to integrate the system that will help make the transition easier for you?

For more information about Applicant Tracking Systems and deciding what services you need, get in touch with The SmartList team today, call 01733 427 182